The Solemn Te Deum on Trinity Sunday

Fr. Higgins • May 27, 2024

The singing of the Solemn Te Deum on Trinity Sunday, as we are doing at our 9 AM and 11 AM Masses, is a way of expressing our praise and thanks to God on this Feast which celebrates the Trinitarian Mystery of God as He is in Himself: a Trinity of Persons in a Unity of Being. We praise God for His Excellence and we thank God for all of His many gifts and benefits to us, even as we are aware that we can never, ever praise or thank Him enough.

The Te Deum is also known as the Ambrosian Hymn, as it is attributed to the composition of St. Ambrose (+397). Let us be drawn in to the mystery of these great phrases: Te Deum laudamus … We praise Thee, O God, we acknowledge Thee to be the Lord: all the earth doth worship Thee: the Father Everlasting. To Thee all Angels cry aloud: The Heavens and all the Powers therein. To Thee all the Cherubim and Seraphim continually do cry. Holy, Holy, Holy: Lord God of Sabaoth.

Reliquary Busts on the High Altar

I have had many questions about the four new statuettes which are now on the reredos above our high altar. They are “reliquary busts” with a small relic of the saint placed in it. The four new saints’ relics are of St. Francis de Sales (+1622), +St. Charles Borromeo (+1584), St. Philip Neri (+1595), and St. Cajetan/Gaetano (+1547). (N.B. Today, May 26th, is the Feast Day of St. Philip Neri.) The presence of relics near our altars is a cheering reminder of the communion we share with all of the blessed in Heaven even as we are still part of the timebound earth.

By Fr. Higgins 16 Jun, 2024
In the wake of the very moving commemorations of the D-Day landing of June 6th, 1944, I would like to highlight two aspects of memory which have come forth. The first was expressed in the Houses of Worship essay, “God’s Place in D-Day’s Great Crusade” (Michael Snape, The Wall Street Journal, Friday, June 7th, 2024). C urrent-day cynicism and secularism have projected back an atmosphere of widespread religious indifference to the time of World War II. This is historical amnesia. That was not the reality of the time. General Eisenhower’s order to the troops on the eve of D-Day “hailed the cross-channel invasion as a ‘Great Crusade’ and invoked ‘the blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking’…” And, “As news of the D-Day invasion spread, house of worship filled for services, perhaps ‘the greatest wave of mass intercession in history,’ as one magazine described it.” “For our own generation, D-Day may seem to have scant connection with religion, beyond its lingering association with some terminology embarrassing to modern ears. Yet to many contemporaries, it marked a decisive moment in a life-or-death struggle between the JudeoChristian democracies of the West and the malignant pagan forces of Nazi Germany. The success of D-Day, like that of the Dunkirk evacuation four years earlier, was naturally and widely taken as providential.” Also in The Wall Street Journal , there appeared on the 80th-anniversary day itself an essay about the 20th Anniversary documentary Dwight D. Eisenhower had done with Walter Cronkite, broadcast in June, 1964. (Rob Greene, “Ike Returns to Normandy”, June 6th, 2024.) As described, Eisenhower is driving a jeep along the Normandy beach and he says to Cronkite: “You see these people out sailing in their pleasure boats, and you see them all along here. And the people have been swimming … taking advantage of the nice weather and the lovely beach. It is almost unreal to look at it today. There’s no smoke and fire and all the rest of it. It’s a wonderful thing. To remember this was what the fellows were fighting for, and sacrificing for. That these people could do this.”  For Eisenhower, to behold the ordinary pleasures of human life on a summer beach was a tangible fruit of victory. He knew how not to underestimate the value of the blessings of peace and the tranquility of order. G.K. Chesterton once wrote: “The end of all human endeavor is to be happy at home.” Let us not take for granted the blessings of such a post-war peace as we now still enjoy, 80 years on. And as we remember the war-dead and all of the veterans who returned but whose time is passing on, may we pray for wars to cease wherever they now rage around the globe, and may we pray with real fervor that petition we make after the Lord’s Prayer at Mass: “Deliver us, Lord, we pray, from every evil, graciously grant peace in our days …”
By Fr. Higgins 08 Jun, 2024
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By Fr. Higgins 04 May, 2024
Thursday of this week, May 9th, is the Ascension of Our Lord. In anticipation of this triumphant entry into Heaven of the Risen Christ, we dedicate ourselves to the spirit of Rogation in these days of “Rogationtide”. This year we are going to offer the celebration of Rogationtide in full, holding a special Mass on Tuesday, May 7th, at 12:30 PM, as well as the regular parish daily Mass at 12:30 PM on Monday and Wednesday. On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of this week we shall hold the Rogation Procession at 12:30 PM, followed by the offering of the Rogation Mass. Please join us in this communal petition for Divine Mercy. If you cannot join us in person please consider praying the Litany of the Saints privately on each of these three Rogation Days or of offering 5-decades of the Rosary.
By Fr. Higgins 29 Apr, 2024
Three of the Seven Sacraments of the Church are known as the Sacraments of Christian Initiation . They are Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. When an adult catechumen is baptized, the other two Sacraments of Christian Initiation should be part of that event. On Easter Eve at our Easter Vigil three of our new parishioners received Sacraments of Christian Initiation. Robin Anastasia Thérèse Hollins received all three as she was re-born in Baptism. Two other men were welcomed into full-Communion with the Catholic Church, having been baptized in Protestant churches. They received Confirmation and Holy Communion thus completing their Christian Initiation. Together with Robin we welcome Julian Pereira (Confirmation name: Thomas Aquinas) & Peter Bauer (Confirmation name: Louis Martin [the father of St. Thérèse]). These accompanying photos are of the Baptismal Regeneration part of the Easter Vigil Ceremony. Just prior to the Baptism and Confirmations, all received the sprinkling of the newly blessed Easter water, a symbol of our Baptism.
By Fr. Higgins 06 Apr, 2024
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By Fr. Higgins 01 Apr, 2024
Christmas Day, December 25th, 800 A.D., is one of the watershed dates in Western History. It was on this day that the Sovereign Pontiff and the Successor to St. Peter, Pope Leo III, crowned Charles the King of the Franks with the Crown of Imperial Rome and the people of Rome hailed him as “Augustus”. It had been 324 years—since 476 A.D.—that there had been a Roman Emperor for “Old Rome”. And here we might stress how great a hold the idea of Imperial Rome still had on Latin Catholic Christianity after so many centuries. Pagan, persecuting Rome had become, by the mysterious Providence of God, Christian Rome. And so we find in the writings of the Patristic Fathers of the Church the belief that it will be the definitive fall of the Roman Empire which willsignal the days of Anti-Christ: hence, the End-of-the-World and the Second Coming of Christ. But since the great Anti-Christ had not appeared and the world went on living, then that must mean that the Roman Empire lived on. Tenuously, it could be maintained that the Roman Empire lived on in the “New Rome” of Constantinople to the East. Also, the residence of the Popes in Rome gave the Roman Pontiffs the stature of spiritual Emperors of the West. But it was the coronation of Charlemagne which made the continuation of the Roman Empire a concrete fact. Here at last was a Roman Emperor who realized the political unity of Christendom and who in his person actually acted to further the spread of the Gospel and more deeply Christianize the people under his sceptre’s rule. Charlemagne fit the role of a true Christian Emperor far better than Constantine ever had in the 4th Century A.D. We might consider this work of Charlemagne from various aspects, but let us focus on this one: his love for the Church’s sacred music as it was practiced in Rome. He decreed that all of the clergy of his vast Empire should learn the Cantus Romanus. “The sons of nobles of his empire and of his vassals were expected, by imperial command, to be instructed in grammar, music, and arithmetic, while the boys in the public schools were taught music and how to sing, especially the Psalms. The Emperor’s agents and representatives were everywhere ordered to watch over the faithful carrying out of his orders regarding music. He not only caused liturgical music to flourish in his time throughout his vast domain, but he laid the foundations for musical culture, which are still potent today.” (Catholic Encyclopedia, “Charlemagne And Church Music”, A.D. 1908) So much did he love the Gregorian chant that Charlemagne himself would participate in the chanting of the choir (although, as his biographer says, “in a subdued voice”. ) Another picture of him left by his contemporaries is the happiness he found in being with his children, joining in their sports, particularly in his own favorite sport of swimming. When we think of how much the traditions which have come down to us from the Age of Christendom have to do with the gold-standard of a righteous and just King whose reign was a golden age of justice, honor, piety where the royal might would vindicate the good and punish the bad, and how much the return of that golden age is longed for in later evil days, then we can appreciate better the magnitude of Charlemagne’s influence on the whole of our civilizational ideals across the centuries. We might think, for example, as a point of comparison, of J.R.R. Tolkien’s masterpiece of story-telling, the Lord of the Rings. Charlemagne died on January 28th, on the Second Feast of St. Agnes, in 814. He was in his 72nd year. He was buried in the octagonal Byzantine-Romanesque church at Aachen (French: Aix-la-Chapelle) which he had had built and decorated with marble columns from Rome and Ravenna. In the great Jubilee year of 1000 A.D., 186 years after Charlemagne’s death, Otto III, who then wore the imperial crown, had Charlemagne’s tomb opened. There, they were struck by an awesome sight. Charlemagne was found as he had been buried,  “sitting on a marble throne, robed and crowned as in life, the Book of the Gospels open on his knees.”
By Fr. Higgins 16 Mar, 2024
At the end of our last Conference, we saw Charlemagne consecrated as “first champion” of the Catholic Church on Easter Day, 774 A.D. there at Rome, where he had delivered Pope Adrian and the Patrimony of Peter from the menace of the King of the Lombards. He had not used his immense military power to conquer Rome nor to make the Pope submit to him: rather he had made himself and his mighty force the sword and shield of the Church, ready to protect her against aggressors of any kind. Moreover, he had made himself the protector of the Roman Pontiff, as a loyal son of the Church. After his consecration in Rome, for the next twenty years, Charlemagne’s life was one of continuous warfare. There were 53 distinct military campaigns, almost all of them in connection with his role as wielding the royal defensive sword on behalf of the Catholic Church. There were 18 campaigns against the heathen Saxons in Germany, who were trying to eradicate Christianity with violent attacks. It was not until 785 that Wittekind, the Saxon warrior-chief, acknowledged, in his utter defeat, that the God of the Christians was stronger than his god Odin. He submitted at last to Baptism, and it was Charlemagne who stood as his godfather. In our very first Conference, we recounted Charlemagne’s siege of Mirambel Castle in the Pyrenees and the submission of the Muslim commander Mirat, who took the baptismal name Lorus, from which derives the town-name “Lourdes”. This was in the year 778, when Charlemagne had launched a campaign against the Muslim rulers of Spain. During this campaign there occurred the ambush of the Franks at the Pass of Roncesvalles (Roncevaux) where Roland blew his horn to summon Charlemagne and the rest of the army to their rescue, even as they were fighting valiantly to their death. This is the inspiration for the famous medieval epic poem, the “Chanson de Roland” (the “Song of Roland). On Christmas Day, 795, Pope Adrian I died, a man whom Charlemagne had revered as a spiritual father. The next day, December 26th, St. Stephen’s Day, on the very day in which Pope Adrian was buried, his successor was elected as Leo III. The new Pope immediately sent to Charlemagne the keys of the Confession of St. Peter and the standard of the city of Rome. In return, Charlemagne sent Leo a warm letter of regard and much treasure which enabled Leo to be a great benefactor to the churches and charitable institutions of Rome. Sadly, the new Pope Leo was bitterly hated by many relatives of his predecessor Pope Adrian. On April 25th, 799, during the Procession of the Greater Litanies, the Pope was attacked by a body of armed men. They seized him, flung him to the ground, and tried to mutilate him by pulling out his tongue and gouging out his eyes. Panic ensued. People fled away. Leo was left unconscious and bleeding on the street for some time. At night he was rescued and hidden in a monastery. In a miraculous manner he recovered the full use of his tongue and eyes. He then escaped from the city and went to seek Charlemagne, who was in Paderborn, Germany. The King received him there with the greatest honor. Charlemagne vindicated Pope Leo (whom the Church now honors as Pope St. Leo III). He had the Pope escorted back to Rome and re-installed, to the joy of the people and to the terror of his false accusers. The next year (800 A.D.) Charlemagne himself came to Rome. On Christmas Day, at St. Peter’s, after the Gospel had been sung, Pope Leo approached Charlemagne, who was kneeling before the Confession of St. Peter, and placed the imperial crown upon his head. Then he did him the formal reverence after the manner of ancient Rome and saluted Charlemagne as both Emperor and Augustus. Finally he anointed him. The Roman people in the assembly burst into acclaim, three-times repeating: To Charles, the most pious Augustus, crowned by God, to our great and pacific Emperor, life and victory!” By this act on Christmas Day 800 A.D. the Roman Empire in the West was revived. Leo, Successor to Peter and Roman Pontiff, had declared that the whole world was now subject to one temporal head as Christ had made the world subject to one spiritual head. And the first duty of Carolus Augustus, the new Roman Emperor, was to be the faithful protector of Holy Roman Church and of Christendom itself against the heathen aggressor.
By Fr. Higgins 10 Mar, 2024
In the Sacred History of Israel in the Old Testament, the emergence of the ruddy youth David as the Lord’s Anointed is a pivotal event in the progressive unfolding of the Divine Plan of Redemption. As we read in the First Book of Kings, Samuel is sent by the Lord to Bethlehem, to the House of a man named Jesse in order to make a sacred anointing as king of the son whom the Lord had chosen. Finally, the 8thand last son of Jesse, David, is brought before Samuel: “Now [David] was ruddy and beautiful to behold, and of a comely face. And the Lord said: Arise and anoint him for this is he. Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren. And the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward...” (I Kings 16:12b-13a) David is the Lord’s Anointed, the Messiah, who becomes the great heroic figure of Israel. And the Lord God makes him a promise that from his descendants shall come the long-foretold and long-awaited Great Messiah. David the Lord’s Anointed, the Ruler of Israel, is both Priest and King. He is the type and foreshadowing of his descendant Our Lord Jesus Christ who combines in His Person both Priesthood and Kingship. After the Redemption, the Priesthood of Christ continues in the persons of His Apostles and their successors, the Bishops. But what of the Kingship of Christ? Is that to have no continuity on the earth? Or should Christians look for a sacred kingship to be found? Where shall the Church find the Righteous Sword to defend her rights and protect her against aggressors? It is this element which is present in the sacred anointing of Pippin and his two sons Charles and Carloman by Pope Stephen III in 754. It is to this new Royal House from among the Frankish nation that the Holy See of Peter looks to provide its sword and shield amidst the ruins of the Roman Empire. So many parallels there are between the boy-king David and the future Charlemagne. Charles/Charlemagne, anointed at 12 years-old, growing up since boyhood in the rigors of warfare alongside his father. Like David, he is heroic on the battlefield. Like David, he is blessed with qualities such as great personal attractiveness, and like David he is devoted to God and his religion. In 768, Pippin divided his kingdom between his two royal sons shortly before he died. As David was betrayed by his son Absalom, so Charles was betrayed by his rivalrous younger brother Carloman, but by the death of this brother in 771, Charles inherited the whole of their father’s kingdom. Pope Stephen died in 772 and his successor as Pope was Adrian I. Didier, the King of Lombardy, opposed this choice and resolved to make war on the Patrimony of St. Peter. Pope Adrian appealed to Charles for help, as his predecessor had given him the title Patricius Romanus (Nobleman of Rome). Charles took his army over the Alps in 773 for a great invasion of Lombardy and struck hard. The result was total victory and Charles King of the Franks entered Rome, the “Eternal City”, as its savior. Everything was done to welcome Charlemagne as the old Roman generals had been welcomed in the pre-Christian times of ancient Rome. He was given the welcome of what was called a “Triumph”. The judges went forth to meet him 30 miles outside the City. The militia laid the banner of Rome at his feet and hailed him as “Imperator”, that is, “Emperor”. But Charlemagne came into Rome as a Christian Imperator. He prostrated himself to kiss the threshold of the Apostles, the limina apostolorum , and he spent seven days in conference with the Pope, days in which he was to c onceive many great ideas of what he might do for the glory of God and the exaltation of Holy Church in time to come. On Easter Day, 774, Charlemagne was consecrated as first champion of the Catholic Church. It seemed as if the Sacred Priesthood of Christ had found its champion in a new Sacred Kingship–of Christ and for Christ.
By Fr. Higgins 04 Mar, 2024
History, we are often reminded, is not a morality tale. The human chronological record as a whole is vast, contradictory, and incoherent. At the same time it is maddeningly incomplete–so much of the past is fragmentary or has simply been lost altogether. The best we can do is try to construct narrative frameworks to make sense of it, or at least parts of it. Sacred History, which is connected to our Profession of Faith, is our Catholic Christian way of making sense of human chronology based upon our belief in Divine Revelation. It overlaps so-called “scientific history” but it is not confined by it. Sacred History encompasses every mode in which humans have remembered their past by the telling of stories.History, we are often reminded, is not a morality tale. The human chronological record as a whole is vast, contradictory, and incoherent. At the same time it is maddeningly incomplete–so much of the past is fragmentary or has simply been lost altogether. The best we can do is try to construct narrative frameworks to make sense of it, or at least parts of it. Bolstered by this Sacred History then we expect to find (and we do) all kinds of golden threads of God’s Divine Providence in the historical record. Only in Eternity will we be able to see the “Big Picture” and how exactly it all worked out, but here and now we get glimpses and revealing threads which we try to follow. One of these “Golden Threads”, I suggest to you, is the relationship of the Roman Empire to Sacred History. In Our Lord’s Day, the Jewish People in their national homeland were a conquered, tributary people subject to the heathen Roman overlords. At the same time, the Roman Imperium enabled the migration and mingling of many peoples, including the Jews. In Our Lord’s Day there were millions more Jews living in the Diaspora across the Roman Empire than were living in Judea or Galilee. The Early Christian Church was fiercely persecuted by Rome, across three centuries. Rome is the Seat of the Anti-Christ, the “Belly of the Beast”, “Babylon”. And yet, it was to this Rome that Peter the Chief Apostle went to set up his Chair of teaching authority, his “cathedra”. The eventual conversion of the Roman Empire to Christianity, practically as a result of the long Age of Martyrs, embedded the sense into Christian people that Rome and all that was the Roman Empire now belonged to God and was a very providential thing in sustaining the life of the Church and in the spreading of the Gospel. The “Pax Romana”, the “Roman Peace”, is fulfilled in the Peace of the Church, the “Pax Ecclesia Catholica”. The decline of Rome, especially in the western half of the Empire after the barbarian chieftain Alaric the Goth sacked Rome in 410 A.D., was therefore viewed by Catholics as a calamity and a trial for the Church. The idea of the Roman Imperium as an arm of Christ’s Church and of Christian Civilization persisted, especially as the Pope in Rome, the successor to Saint Peter, was a visible embodiment of what God had done in history to make the heathen Roman Empire the holy Roman Empire. We think of the Popes: St. Gregory the Great, St. Leo the Great, “Leo Magnus”! In 754 A.D., Pope Stephen III made an arduous journey across the Alps to go to the household of Pippin, the son of Charles Martel, who held the title “Mayor the Palace” and was, in effect the chief of the Christian Franks. At St. Denis on the Seine, on July 28th, 754, Pope Stephen anointed Pippin as King of the Franks, and not only Pippin but his two young sons as well: the older, Charles (our “Charlemagne”), who was but 12 years-old, and the younger, Carloman. All three were anointed with the oil of kingship by the Pope, Bishop of Rome and Successor to the Apostle Peter. Furthermore, the Pope commanded that the Frankish nation, under the gravest spiritual penalties, was he nceforth “never to choose their kings from any other family.” Why this favor to the Franks and to their leader Pippin and his two boys? The Franks were rightly seen by the Popes as the defenders and the vindicators of the rights and liberties of the Roman Church. Even when Rome, as a political reality, had fallen the spirit of Christian Rome still lived strong.
By Fr. Higgins 26 Feb, 2024
Our Lenten Parish Mission this year is entitled: “Blessed Charlemagne and the Holy Roman Empire.” Charlemagne–“Charles-Le-Magne”, “Charles-the-Great”–lived from 742 A.D. -814 A.D. The King of the Franks, he established a great and powerful Kingdom stretching across what is today France and Germany. On Christmas Day, 800 A.D., in the City of Rome, the Pope crowned him Roman Emperor, reviving the glory of that once-great Empire, which had first persecuted but finally embraced Christianity. He is one of those great figures of history who both shapes events and sets in motion developments which continue for generations after he is dead. In the human story, things could always have been different. For us as Christian believers therefore we are always alert to the golden threads of God’s Providence. Let us begin our story in the year 732 A.D. The leader of the Christian Franks Charles Martel (“Charles-the-Hammer”) decisively defeated the Islamic invaders who had entered France through Spain. This was the Battle of Tours which prevented Europe from being overrun by the Muslims. The invader retreated back over the Pyrenees Mountains but some Muslim groups held out in their fortresses of Aquitaine (southwestern France). One of these was the castle of Mirambel which is on the rock overhanging Lourdes.Our Lenten Parish Mission this year is entitled: “Blessed Charlemagne and the Holy Roman Empire.” Charlemagne–“Charles-Le-Magne”, “Charles-the-Great”–lived from 742 A.D. -814 A.D. The King of the Franks, he established a great and powerful Kingdom stretching across what is today France and Germany. On Christmas Day, 800 A.D., in the City of Rome, the Pope crowned him Roman Emperor, reviving the glory of that once-great Empire, which had first persecuted but finally embraced Christianity. He is one of those great figures of history who both shapes events and sets in motion developments which continue for generations after he is dead. In the human story, things could always have been different. For us as Christian believers therefore we are always alert to the golden threads of God’s Providence. Forty-six years later, in the Year 778 A.D., the grandson of Charles Martel, another Charles (our “Charlemagne”), 36 years-old and now the King of the Franks, was on his return from a military campaign against the Muslim Saracens in Spain. He laid siege to this Mirambel Castle. The fortress was impregnable. Charlemagne tried to starve its defenders into submission. The siege went on and on. The Muslim commander, a man named Mirat, had sworn an oath by the Prophet Mohammed that he would  never surrender the castle to any mortal man. One day, an eagle carrying a trout caught from the River Gave, dropped it inside the Saracen castle walls. Mirat had a clever idea. He had the still floundering fish thrown over to the Christian besiegers as if to show them that it was an unwanted extra to the supplies of his garriso n. “Hey, Christian Infidels! We’ve still got plenty of food! We’re fine!” Thinking he had been besieging the fortress in vain, Charlemagne was on the point of giving up and marching away. But his chaplain, the Bishop of Le Puy, had a hunch that this was a bluff. He asked for and obtained a meeting with Mirat and he immediately saw that the Saracens were indeed starving and at the point of collapse. The Bishop encouraged submission on honorable terms but Mirat fell back on his oath to the Prophet. So, the Bishop replied: “Brave Prince, you have sworn never to yield to any mortal man. Could you not with honor make your surrender to an immortal Lady? Mary, Queen of Heaven, has her throne at Le Puy, and I am her humble minister there.” This persuasion broke the deadlock. Mirat the Saracen came to terms with Charlemagne. In a token of his vassalage, he brought to the sanctuary of Mary, to whom he had surrendered, some handfuls of grass from the banks of the River Gave. Mirat accepted Christianity and was baptized under the name Lorus. Charlemagne knighted him and gave him back the command of the fortress of Mirabel. It is from the Knight Lorus that the name of the town of Lourdes is derived. This is the story of Charlemagne at Lourdes. Let us close our First Conference then with this thought: Mirat/Lorus surrendered his castle to Mary in 778. In 1858, one thousand and eighty years later, Mary the Queen of Heaven appeared on earth to manifest her particular sovereignty over this place. (Source for the story of Charlemagne at Lourdes: St. Bernadette: A Pictorial Biography, By Leonard von Matt and Francis Trochu; Translated from the French by Herbert Rees, Henry Regnery Company, Chicago, 1957 A.D., “The Dedication of Lourdes to the Blessed Virgin Mary”, pp. 1-2.)
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